Seifert Belmont Reds is owned and operated by husband-and-wife team Ian Stark and Jeanne Seifert and we have Belmont Reds for sale all year round. We are the breeders of the largest herd of pure-bred Belmont Red cattle in Australia, with over 4000 registered and Breedplan recorded females on an aggregation of six properties totalling 11,200 HA in Queensland. The properties are north of Jandowae, south of Eidsvold, and north of Dalby in Queensland, and range from iron bark breeder country, to brigalow backgrounding country, and some cropping country.
We are an inseparable, and completely hands-on couple, both working together on and in, every aspect of our business, from paddock to office. We are passionate and unapologetic, in our uncompromising pursuit of excellence, to create the best Belmont Reds ever bred, every year.

Our Philosophy
We stake our reputation on high integrity, accurate and trustworthy data. Our entire herd is Breedplan recorded, which provides EBV (estimated breeding values), and all stud and sale bulls are genomically DNA tested, providing GBV (genomic breeding values). Our animal selection however isn't carried out in isolation of phenotype, with Ian having an expert eye for structure, soundness, and type. Ian’s experience has shaped our bulls to deliver capacity and muscling, with broad toplines, length and elevation. Jeanne’s expertise is to drive genetic progress using EBVs, and individual male and female performance. Most joinings are individually statistically designed to increase maximum profit and minimize inbreeding. Together, our balanced approach to breeding, combines our best genotypes with our best phenotypes every year. In addition, our deep and pure Belmont Red pedigrees, ensure that in cross breeding systems, our genetics deliver highly consistent and predictable F1 calves for our clients.

Our Performance Pressure
Even though our stud produces seedstock bulls, our herd is run under strictly commercial conditions. Seifert Belmont Reds are one of a rare few in the cattle industry who never treat for ticks or buffalo fly. Our superior tick resistance and fly resistance is permanently fixed in our genetics from five decades of no chemical intervention in hostile ticky environments. This guarantees the most tick resistant, truly tropically adapted genetics, are in our Belmont Reds. Only females that wean a calf each year, despite the heat, ticks and flies, and with no special care, remain.
These principles of ‘survival of the fittest’ ensures genuine environmental adaption and survivability are naturally preserved as permanent heritable traits, in our genetic pool. This sees our bulls thrive in both wet and arid ticky environments, well above the topic of Capricorn, in Northern Australia, the gulf, the NT, the Kimberley and Pilbara of WA, New Caledonia,PNG, and Paraguay.

And Agritech
With our strong focus on data to drive genetic progress, we are proactive adopters of agritech. All animals are BREEDPLAN recorded -not just a select few. We use Practical Systems ‘Stock Book’ livestock software whole of herd recording, and capture data at each property in real time, using crush side laptops and TSI, to maximise data accuracy. We use genomic DNA technologies, with all males, and all females from 2022, undergoing DNA testing for sire verification and the poll/horn gene. 98% of our herd is polled, with about half our bulls being Homozygous Polls (PP).
In conjunction with a joint venture partner, a third of our heifers are tested annually for net feed efficiency and meat quality at the UNE Tullimba Research GrowSafe feedlot NSW.
We strongly believe in being good custodians of our land and our animals. To care for our country, we use CIBOlabs satellite remote sensing technology to assist us to manage our feed base by estimating paddock pasture biomass levels, stocking capacity, ground cover and land condition. At all times, we demand the highest standards of industry best practice for pain management, low stress stock handling and animal welfare.

Our international Reach
While performing well for producers across Australia, our genetics are also exported to the Philippines, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, and Paraguay. In 2019 we established a satellite herd of Seifert Belmont Reds in South America, with partners from Paraguay and Germany, by exporting our own pure-bred frozen IVF embryos. The stud is called Paraguay Belmont Reds. The first Belmont Red bulls ever offered for sale in South America, were sold by our partnership in Asuncion 2022. Pleasingly our yearling bulls sold above the average, compared to all other breeds at the sale.