Seifert Belmont Red sale tops at $32,000

The 85 bulls offered at the third annual Seifert Belmont Red sale on Monday found new homes from Western Australia to NSW, resulting in a solid $12,847 average price outlaid.
Ten purebred PTIC first calf heifers straight off the grass averaged $6000, giving an overall sale average for 95 lots of $12,126.
The result, which included a full clearance and a top price paid of $32,000, continues a meteoric rise in demand for the genetics offered by Ian Stark and Jeanne Seifert at their on-property sale at Wonga, Jandowae.
Last year, bulls offered under the Helmsman auction system topped at $17,000 to average $9578, which itself was up $4411 on the inaugural sale the previous year.
Stud principal Ian Stark said they were confident this year's sale would go well but the outcome exceeded all their expectations.
"There was a vibe around from phone calls made, and we knew existing clients were coming as repeat buyers," he said. "That said they were confident what they saw on paper is what was delivered."Central Queensland producers Lachlan and Trudy Mace, based at Stanage, outlaid the top price of $32,000 for the homozygous polled SEI200107 whose figures put him in the top 5 per cent for growth.
Weighing 704kg and with an eye muscle area of 126 square centimetres and intramuscular fat of 5.3 per cent, the Maces were chased all the way by repeat buyers Geoff and Richard Bethel of Nebo.
According to Ms Seifert, the bull had scored the most views of all the videos they'd uploaded prior to the sale.
Mr Mace said the new sire, the only purchase they made on the day, would fit into their crossbreeding program, with plans to put him across Angus-cross females to suit a grass-fed Teys steer description.
"We liked his figures, his carcase traits, and his docility," Mr Mace said. "He's got that tropical adaptability to go over our softer cows."
It's the second time the Maces have bought from the Seifert catalogue and the fifth time they've bought Belmont Reds for crossbreeding.
Also read: Seifert Belmont Red 2019 sale result
The second-top price of $27,000 was paid twice, by the SPR Cattle Co and by Lorraine Pastoral Co at Cloncurry.
The second-top price of $27,000 was paid twice, by the SPR Cattle Co and by Lorraine Pastoral Co at Cloncurry.
Kimberley corporate buyer WNM MacDonald P/L, Fossil Downs, Fitzroy Crossing, were volume buyers of the sale, buying 32 bulls through AuctionsPlus, which was operating in conjunction with the Helmsman sale.
Also buying up were B and R Webster, Talwood, who made nine purchases, and AW and CA Lee of Capella, buying five bulls.
Romani Partnership, Bourke, NSW selected three bulls, Bluedog Trading at Georgetown has two new bulls, while other NSW buyers included Nathan Kaminski, Herons Creek, and L&M Pastoral Co, Mangrove Mountain.
Mr Stark said it was humbling to look along the board that bids were recorded on through the afternoon and see the confidence that buyers were placing in their genetics.
"There's growing interest in Belmont Reds, for every purpose," he said.
Selling agent - Elders, online interface AuctionsPlus