A polled, powerful and profitable draft

THE catalogue for the fourth annual Seifert Belmont Reds On-Property Bull Sale is loaded from cover to cover with powerful, profitable, polled bulls, which are proven in family and large-scale corporate operations across Northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and over to Western Australia.
Stud principals Ian Stark and Jeanne Seifert have selected 95 bulls for the 2022 sale, being held online via AuctionsPlus, and at Jandowae, on Monday, August 1, from 12pm to 2pm.
"Our profit-making genetics are obvious in the 95 powerful young sale bulls, where strong fertility, growth, and carcase traits, plus longevity, combine with true environmental adaptation and genuine docility," Ian said.
With fertility being the number one profit driver, the Seifert Belmont Reds herd's high fertility is proven by its industry benchmarked performance in two of the largest Northern Australian fertility Research Projects - the Northern Beef Genomics Research Project, and the Cash Cow Research Project.
"In the Northern Beef Genomics research, our heifers ranked in the top five percent for early puberty. In the Cash Cow project, our first calf, lactating heifers, PTIC return rate, was 45 per cent better than the median, "Jeanne said.
At Seifert Belmont Reds genetic selection isn't carried out in isolation of phenotype with Ian having an eye for structure, soundness, and type.
"This balanced approach to breeding the best genotype and phenotype, in combination with deep pedigrees and purity of breed, ensures that in cross breeding systems clients can expect highly consistent and predictable calves," Ian said.
He said while the stud produces seedstock bulls, the herd is run under strictly commercial conditions, with Seifert Belmont Reds being one of a rare few studs who've never treated for ticks or buffalo fly.
"This guarantees the most naturally resistant, truly tropically adapted genes persist in our herd. Only females that breed a calf each year, despite the heat, ticks and flies, and with no special care, remain in the herd.
Jeanne said they get enormous satisfaction seeing the progress they've made each year, with this year being no exception. "We're excited, and driven, to continually raise the bar both genetically and phenotypically, to breed the best Belmont Reds possible. "Every year we also aim to provide enough top quality Seifert Belmont Red bulls to supply demand at an affordable price."
Ian said with an extremely fertile female foundation, it isn't surprising that 67pc of the sale bulls are above the Belmont Red BREEPLAN breed average on the terminal $index, and 61pc are above average on the self- replacing $index.
"In addition, all bulls catalogued are polled, with 51 out of 95 being homozygous polls (PP)."
Jeanne said demand for Seifert Belmont Red genetics is increasing, which has led to business entering an expansion phase to be able to supply more than 600 bulls annually.
"However, our sale prices remain very accessible and in line with mainstream sale trends, where we saw our 2019 sale average $5167, our 2020 sale average $9600 and our 2021 sale average $12,900.
"We're grateful that a growing number of beef producers are recognising thatour highly productive genetics can provide them with areal return on investment.
"We're proud of the progress the Belmont Red breed, and in particular our herd, has made. We have every confidence in this draft and we're sure they'll make a valuable contribution to your herd and your profitability."
All bulls selected for the sale will be fully Breedplan recorded, DNA Poll/Horn tested, DNA sire verified, semen morphology and motility tested, and are JBA-7 eligible for entry to Western Australia.
Free delivery will be offered to the saleyards at Charters Towers, Rockhampton, Emerald, Roma, Dalby and within 100km of Wonga.
Those unable to attend can follow the sale action online and make bids via AuctionsPlus. There will be no reserve on any bull.
Inspection can be made anytime in the lead-up to the sale via appointment by contacting Jeanne and Ian.
Videos of every bull will be available on the Seifert Belmont Reds YouTube channel, and on AuctionsPlus the week before the sale.
To view the sale catalogue visit seifertbelmontreds.com and for sale updates please follow the Seifert Belmont Reds Facebook page.
For sale enquiries please contact Elders Stud Stock agents Michael Smith 0428 541 711 or Anthony Ball 0428 275 499, and Seifert Belmont Reds Jeanne Seifert 0427 632 113 or Ian Stark 0439 632 113.
By Matt Sherrington
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